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First module of the angolanization training program, part of the Fiscal Metering Skid Package for the Agogo FPSO Project execution, has been successfully completed.

First module of the angolanization training program, part of the Fiscal Metering Skid Package for the Agogo FPSO Project execution, has been successfully completed.

We are excited to announce that the first module of the angolanization training program, part of the Fiscal Metering Skid Package for the Agogo FPSO Project execution, has been successfully completed. A team of young Angolan E.A.T.S. Metering System Engineers attended the trainings at our partner ODS Metering Systems facilities in the Netherlands. The first...

Sanha Lean Gas Connection (SLGC)

Sanha Lean Gas Connection (SLGC)

A equipa E.A.T.S. Metering System em colaboração com o seu parceiro Krohne, concluiu com sucesso as atividades de pré-comissionamento e comissionamento do skid de medição fiscal do Projeto Sanha Lean Gas Connection (SLGC). O âmbito do trabalho incluiu: – Supervisão da instalação – Teste dos componentes do skid de medição fiscal e primeira energização –...